Saturday 13 November 2010

Planning for Opening Film

At the beginning of the research, me and my partner discussed different effects in our opening shots. I liked how you can find films that have a comic book effect in the opening credits, i found my inspriation of this of the film Juno.

We have a girl walking down a path with a couple of girls around the same age, staring at her and giggling. Because of this, i felt it wouldnt be appopiate to have the comic book effect because to me it seems a good way to opening a cheerful, happy family film.

After drawing our storyboard, i thought it would be a good idea having a voice-over to create the mystery of why she was different to other people her age. We decided to have two people being the same person but in different periods of their life. Having the older actor speaking in the voiceover whilst the younger actor is on camera is clever because we see her at the end as being older and only then does it really make sense of why she is different, so this makes it a climax!

Because we had two people playing the same character, they needed to look similar in order for it looking realistic. I was thinking of people in our year (because it would be easy to contact them and more likely to know them), that look slightly younger then our age to play the younger "Jess Hunter". I told my partner about a girl in our year who looked similar to another girl in the year above. They both take theatre studies and so i knew they had experience in playing different roles. The female in the year above also looks older then there age so there was an age gap in looks between them.

Costume-Modern clothing because we want it to be around this era.
Lighting-Day light.
Actors-Both actors having a similar appearance so they would look similar to eachother.
Make-up-Asking the younger actor to not wear so much make-up in order of making her look younger.
Props-Having a her wear a school bad conveys her age and shows why she is walking.
Setting(s)-Having the opening film around school so it's easy for me and George (partner), and our actors to locate as we all go to the same school. Classroom with an appropiate black curtain for a plain background, we have took photos and are going to film this shot in our drama studio.

Non-digetic sound through-out. Background music. Voice-over. Foregrounded breathing. Camera sounds possibly of cars going by of shots of actor walking down pathway (might need to be turned down so doesnt interfere with storyline but keeping it down will make it as realistic as possible).

Fasst motion walking - time lap shot. Photos speeding up to create tension. ball of fire at the end to show the person has magical powers. Video transitions on varius shots (fading going into next shot).

Representational Feature
Only females are in the opening of the film. The aging in which we want the actors to look is around 13-20. The class and status of all the actors is middle class making it relavent to people watching as it's classed in the middle. This can be shown by them both dressed neatly wearing average, modern clothing.

Target Audience
Gender: Both.
Class: U - exceptable for everyone.

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