Thursday 18 November 2010

Security of Names

For the lead character, we have her name spoken on voiceover, which meant we had to think of a sensible name. I told George how I liked the name "Jess Huntly", however after some discussion, we thought that the surname sounded more upper class rather than middle which is what we wanted. "Jess Hunter" however, sounds like a  middle class, common name, but also the surname "Hunter", brings something myseterious about her name which relates to the film as she has magical powers.
I went on the website where I typed in the name to find out whether it's a popular name in the performing arts industry. There were three "Jess Hunter's" and non of the films were popular which meant it was acceptable for us to use the name.
I also typed into the website our title which is called, "Rejected". There were only two films with the same title, none of which were big, popular films. This meant we were able to keep this name for our title.

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