Thursday 17 February 2011

Evaluation - Q7

Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
In the process of the preliminary task to our final product, it is clear to see that improvement has happened. However, the preliminary task helped us to avoid certain mistakes that are common and ensure all of the class of gaining a good mark. Continuity was a popular mistake that can arise as small detail on costumes can be different to when they were shooting the day before even though it is for the same scene.

There were very little research for the preliminary task. There were a lot more teacher input rather than personal research as the course was reasonably new to us all and so each of us had to gain an understanding of the unit. When we started the main task there was very little teacher input as we were left to research different suggested media texts and gain some inspiration and ideas.

For our preliminary task we formed a storyboard, aswell with the location set and devised our own script. This was also done in our main task. However, there were much more planning involved in the main task as in the preliminary task, as the location was provided for us. Other planning which we had to encounter for the main task but not the preliminary task were a choosen non-diegetic background music which has to fit in with the narrative and create the mood. Another would be choosing the actors which you would aim to choose someone whom has acting experience and looks like the character I have made.

There were only a certain amount of camera shots that needed to be achieved for the preliminary task and so there weren't many takes for certain shots. However, the opening film was much more complex and more filming was done leaving lots of shots having to be re-done. There was also a lot more independance in the main task as in the preliminary task we were all provided with a lot more teacher support in composition of the different shots. Music wasn't needed in the first task also which meant that we didn't have to find the right track or edit it to enable a certain sound appearing at a certain time.

We write in depth too much about our preliminary evaluation as the task was there for us all to gain experience and knowledge about filming. During our main task it required a much more evaluation. We created a evaluation questionnaire which was completed by others to see what they thought about our final piece. Here is a image of what our evaluation questionnaire looked like:

Questionnaire Evaluation
How Many people we asked were male or female.

What percentage of age the people were.


How important do you think the special effects are?

72% of people we asked thought the special effects were important.

How important to you do you think music is in creating the mood.

86% of people thought music was very important to creating the mood.

How important do you think titles are for a opening sequence.

61% of people that we asked think that the titles of an opening sequence are important.

To summarise the people we asked in our target audience thought that music was one of the most important things in a opening sequence, but surprisingly titles are not as important from there view.

By looking at the wordle images containing all of the words typed in question six, it makes clear that preliminary and task are the two most used word. This is good as this section is contrasting with the premilinary task and the main task.

Here is the video of our completed coursework:

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