Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation - Q6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

By using the web, we researched different existing texts before we started producing our opening film. We used various sites to do research with, the main two were:

We used "youtube" to look at existing film titles sequences to gain inspiration and creativity which may contribute to our films. "Freeplaymusic" was the website that the majority of the class used as background music as it is copyright clear music which enabled us to type in a "keyword" and plenty of music would show in relation to that word.

The film was loacted around the school because that is where bullying is popularly performed. This enabled me easy access of taking photos of different settings around the school for where filming would take place. Some of the images I took I didn't use as I felt there were better loactions. Here are some of the photos:


    This is one of the locations where "Jess Hunter" was older and her powers were revealed. We decided that having a black back drop on the contrast of her would enhance and bring more attention onto her.

    At the beginning "Jess" is walking and so having the location outside of the school meant that it was easy for the actor and us to get there. There were also a lay-by and so it was safe and easier for us to film on the lay-by whilst the camera is panning the actress.

    Although we didn't use this room in the end, this was the typical room with a seat that we could sit "Jess" on allowing people passing quickly conveying bur motion emphasising her loneliness.

    Mobile phones were important for me and my partner as it helped us communicate outside of school when arranging different things such as, remembering to bring in the storyboard when filming etc. The digital still camera that we used to take photos of certain locations was useful as it helped us track the certain places around our school that we thought was best to film in. The video camera itself was useful in the fact that I could retrace the footage we had produced which enabled me to tell our actor (and in the end me) where to stand for the next take and so forth. Obviously this had to be done due to continuity.

    We also created a storyboard which gave us a clear understanding of the narritive of the play. However, something that I have learned in the process of this coursework is that you never completely stick to the storyboard which you created at the very beginning. I found that we have had better ideas once continuing with the coursework. I also learnt that happens in everyones storyboard when planning whether you are ameteur or professional.

    The video camera that we worked with was specifically called the Panasonic NVGs 500 mini-DV video camera which we then uploaded the footage onto the iMac. Within the iMac were programmes Premiere Pro and Photoshop. Adobe Premier Pro is a software were you edit the film and essentially pick all the shots and put them together ending with the finished piece. Adobe Photoshop is a software slightly similar to Microsoft Paint. This programme was used for us producing the titles and then pacing them into Premier Pro where they come together. Another programme which we inhibited unlike everyone else was called ParticleIllusion 3.0 which enables you to create manipulation of moving images. This is what we used for our ball of fire and the fire at the beginning displaying our distribution company. Lastly, Blogger was/is evidently used to record all of our construction activity.

    This video camera was the same model that we captured our opening film sequence with.

    <-- An image of the software, Adobe Premier Pro. All of the footage you have produced is in the bin on the left, top hand side. You are able to drag the footage you chose by looking at it on the first screen (on the left) and place it on the time line across the bottom. The second screen enables you to look at the variety of shots together. This is a print screen of my video when I was in the process of editing.

    I have created a DVD which I showed for a sample of my target audience (teenagers). This was reasonably easy for me to ask a selection of people to view the screening as I am a teenager myself and so my peers would fit my target audience. Because of the viewing, this meant that the use of data projector was used to show the audience. The use of Microsoft Word was achieved to create evaluation questionnaires which the target audience used to provide feedback for us. Finally, Blogger was used to allow me to record all of my evaluation activity.

    At the beginning of this unit, we were given a blank disc which in the end had my final peice on which was a film opening consisting of full colour, a variety of camera shots, a set of locations and fully directed, produced and edited. This was all created through the technologies which I spoke about in construction.

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